Are there any plugins that could be causing this problem? Seeing as the problem 
exists over 2 different versions of QGIS I would recommend checking.

I have had similar (think it was with version 2 and 2.2) and the problem was 
solved by turning off all plugins. I was then able to add the plugins in again 
one by one to find the plugin causing the problem.

[] På vegne av Angie Rudolph
Sendt: 15. oktober 2014 01:17
Emne: [Qgis-developer] weekly build problem

I installed the windows weekly build on 9/26/14 and QGIS has been behaving 
poorly ever since.  When I add
a simple shapefile, stored on my local hard drive, turning the layer off an on 
takes up to 10 seconds.
I have since tried to uninstall the weekly build and install a stable version 
of QGIS (2.4) but the problem now remains.
Is there something else that needs to be uninstalled such as visual C++, etc?


Angie Rudolph, GISP

Greenwood Mapping, Inc.


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