
It is very likely that better CAD functionality will hit QGIS soon. An
approach based on the CadInput plugin [1] is being discussed [2] and
parted to core [3]. Maybe this does already provide a lot of what you need?

Best regards,

[1] http://vimeo.com/85052231
[3] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/1624

On 20.10.2014 16:56, G. Garibaldi wrote:
> Bug report #9703
> The line thickness is good. The endpoints could be improved.
> Crossmarks would be better than dots. If dot endpoints are easiest to
> program, then put a smaller white dot in the middle of the larger red
> dot. This will help measurement accuracy. The most desirable quality
> of the tool would be for the markers remain on screen until cleared by
> the user. This includes remaining on screen while other commands are
> selected and new data entered. This onscreen persistence should also
> be applied to the angle measure tool.
> With robust CAD tools this would not be an issue because the operator
> can quickly draw temporary measure lines on screen and erase them at
> his leisure. With QGIS the CAD tool functionality is clumsy and
> inefficient. Data point creation with other systems is fast and well
> developed. Most CAD systems allow inputting a data point, then drawing
> the next point using a relative angle and distance at the keyboard or
> visually with onscreen angle and distance display controlled by snap
> settings. Perhaps what I'm really asking for is better CAD tool
> functionality.
> I have many *thousands* of points to calculate and enter by hand.
> Months worth of work. If I were a programmer perhaps this would not be
> necessary. Unfortunately I don't think I have the time to spend a
> month or two getting up to speed programming in the QGIS environment,
> not that I would not like to. I just spent 7 months learning a foreign
> language to translate documents for my project. When the functionality
> of the measure tool changed after QGIS 2.1(1.8, 2.1 something like
> that), and the measure tool lost its persistence I despaired.
> I am pressing for this functionality because I need to finish my
> project and put food on the table.
> Anyway, this is my project, analyzing ships navigation data:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCWZzqHc8ow
> In this project QGIS is merely a tool to develop a better
> understanding of historical events. What will really be significant is
> when QGIS goes 3D and I am able to visualize aircraft and ships data
> simultaneously in an animation using the animation plug-in.
> On 10/19/2014 4:48 PM, Tim Sutton wrote:
>> Hi
>> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 9:51 PM, G. Garibaldi <digitalm...@cox.net
>> <mailto:digitalm...@cox.net>> wrote:
>>     The measure tool onscreen markers are not persistent and are
>>     therefore not useful. Why have tools that have no useful
>>     function? I've complained about this before, filed a ticket and
>>     was argued down by a developer.
>>     It is frustrating to try to contribute to a project when nobody
>>     wants to cooperate.
>> I don't think it is fair to characterise QGIS as a project where
>> nobody wants to cooperate. People are busy, may have differing
>> opinions to you, may not have noticed your ticket etc. We are a
>> community of people trying our best to cooperate and sometimes we
>> fail, but it certainly isn't through a lack of desire to cooperate.
>> My advice is keep trying (in a friendly way) to get your request
>> noticed, and if others don't always agree with your ideas, don't take
>> it personally.
>> Regards
>> Tim
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>> -- 
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Tim Sutton
>> Visit http://kartoza.com <http://kartoza.com/> to find out about open
>> source:
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>>  * Geospatial web development
>> * GIS Training
>> * Consulting Services
>> Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
>> <http://freenode.net/>
>> Tim is a member of the QGIS Project Steering Committee
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Kartoza is a merger between Linfiniti and Afrispatial
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