Hi all,
just few things I'm
experiencing with 2.6:

Attribute Table: modifying the content of a cell, it needs to save and reopen 
the table to
        see it updated...normal behaviour?
        different types. Usually closing the project, QGIS ends up with a
        minidump or the MS error window "The software stopped to work
        etc etc". This happens closing .qgs from 2.2 with or without
        saving to 2.6 version. Sometimes also while working. Attached you
        can find the .dmp (shall I upload them? I don't know how to deal
        with). Actually it's a quite annoying issue...

Corrupt layers: the table appears but double-clicking the source it
        doesn't open the explorer as in 2.2; it only allows to modify the folder
        destination as text. Is that the new behavior?
Translation (ITA):
        just few oversights:
color selection
                panel: "incolla collore"
modify widget
                properties: "il widget di modica può..."

Is there anyone with the
same issues? I'm working with W8.1 64bit and QGIS standalone. 

As always: thank you all for
your work!

All the best,


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