Hi Zoltan,

That is correct.
It is not compressed to 44 objects. It is just compressing (packing) 44
objects it has not compressed yet.
But git downloads the whole history for you since the very first version
of QGIS anyway. That is fine if you are going to develop and want to
keep track of what has been done when etc.

If you are worried about the download size, you can either use --depth 1
when cloning
or just download the zip file of the branch you are interested on the
github project page.


On 01/13/2015 08:43 AM, Zoltan Szecsei wrote:
> Hi,
> My platform is a "fresh" 64 bit Ubuntu 14.10 desktop install.
> I am following these instructions:
> http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.github.com/qgis/QGIS/master/doc/INSTALL.html
> Using anonymous checkout, I get told that there are 271040 objects.
> This is then compressed to 44 objects
> Download begins, but is tracking the 271040 objects instead of the "44".
> Is this correct or should it be downloading what I assume to be the
> 271040 objects that were compressed into 44 objects?
> Regards & TIA,
> Zoltan

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