Hi all.
I just want to share the outcome of my, probably rather obscure, work on
the management of Python plugins.
We currently have a shorter than ever queue:
* 7 unapproved plugins
* of these, 3 are deprecated
* one (inasafe) is pending publication, upon request from the author
* one (tile map scale) is queued just because of possible legal issues
of older versions (new ones are clean)
* one (data reloader) appears abandoned; unclear whether still useful
* one misses info, probably will be fixed soon
* all new plugins, and almost all old ones, have proper repos and
Overall, I'm pretty satisfied, even though with more time we could do
more thorough code checks etc., but it's nice not to leave new
contributors waiting for long before publication.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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