> Hi,
> As I said on the user list ( thread : "Import (not so) large data into a
> remote postgis database" ), SPIT has the advantage of showing a progress
> bar.
> This is a good feature when uploading data through a slow connection (my
> case these days).
> But I think it would make sense to move this feature (the progress bar) to
> the DB manager.
> I tried to do it [1], and it kind of works sometimes, but there's some UI
> refreshing issues, and I won't time to investigate much more these days...
> Maybe we should also think about making the import more efficient and
> robust. I'm currently working with a slow connection, and uploading a table
> of around 4000 lines takes ages (around 2 hours).
> I don't really understand what the bottleneck is, but the transfer rate is
> way under the transfer rate I'd have if I uploaded a dump file and ran it
> online.
> All more efficient ways (pg_dump, ogr2ogr, pgdump,...) are not suited for
> non power users...


since we have this


I really think that SPIT can be dismissed.

This new tool is much faster than any other option available in QGIS,
and it has a lot of options. And of course it can be run in batch


-- G --
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