On 28-02-15 03:24, Mathieu Pellerin wrote:
> Greetings,
> I got contacted by a student yesterday asking whether 2.8 was out. He
> knew of release date and visited website but only saw 2.6.1.
> Would be good to update website ASAP.


2.8.0 had been available for some hours, but had flaws/bugs.
2.8.1 is (almost) packaged, but we miss some changelog parts which we
want to have in place for the official launch

All (except visual changelog) in website is ready to be switched.

When it is ready the Release Manager (Jürgen) will tell us (do NOT
listen to the eager bloggers which tell you otherwise), and we will
rebuild the website immediately.

plz bear with us..


Richard Duivenvoorde

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