
The parallel line tool works fine at my local installation (master, kubuntu).

I agree that the numeric input is not yet ideal (because it can be easily overwritten, as Martin discovered). If you have a better idea how to allow numeric inputs you are welcome to propose a better approach.

We originally wanted the spinbox to follow the mouse cursor in the map canvas (like in Autocad) - but for some reasons this did not work with qt across all operating systems. That's why the spinbox is now at the bottom left. Maybe this would be easier to implement now with qt5?

It would also be nice to have a keyboard modifier (e.g. ctrl) which would make a copy of an existing line, rather than moving the existing line.


On 17.03.2015 02:29, Martin Dobias wrote:
Hi Nyall

On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 5:38 AM, Nyall Dawson <nyall.daw...@gmail.com <mailto:nyall.daw...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hoping someone can point me in the right direction - when using the
    "offset curve" tool a little floating spin box shows the current
    offset. It's handy to have this displayed, but there doesn't seem to
    be any way to interact with this spin box (eg, to enter a specific
    offset amount).

Just tried that - in my case the spin box gets keyboard focus, so I was able to enter offset value (which must be followed by Enter). It seems that all the time you need to keep the mouse at the same location (with left button pressed) otherwise your value gets overwritten. So it's best to take a deep breath beforehand :)


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