Hello list

I have a question about how QGIS (specifically the pgRouting Layer plugin) uses 
psycopg2 and a connection to PostgreSQL to run a query and return a result.

I am using pgRouting with Ordnance Survey's Open Roads network for the UK.  It 
is a large network with over 3 million links and 2.6 million nodes.   Using the 
pgRouting Layer plugin in QGIS 2.6.1 and 2.8.2 to interact with the network.  
It is really slow to solve routes ~ 1m20s per solution.  I am also using 
PgAdmin3 to run the same queries against the same network and they are also 
slow (~1m20s) but I can speed them up using a bounding box in the query (in 
some cases by 400x!).  In the pgRouting Layer plugin I have updated the 
djikstra.py file to use the query with a bounding box but the result is still 
returned in ~ 1m20s.  Running the same query in the SQL pane in DB Manager 
returns the result in ~ 100ms.

So, I guess the question is "Is psycopg2 (or python) the bottleneck in running 
queries in the pgRouting Layer plugin?" and maybe a secondary question is "how 
does DB Manager connect to the database and run the query so quickly?"

The queries

Without bounding box ~ 1m20s
SELECT seq, id1 AS node, id2 AS edge, cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('
                SELECT gid AS id,
                         cost_len::double precision AS cost,
                         rcost_len::double precision AS reverse_cost
                        FROM or_network',
               1190869, 586365, false, true);

With a bounding box ~ 200ms
SELECT seq, id1 AS node, id2 AS edge, cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('
                SELECT gid AS id,
                         cost_len::double precision AS cost,
                         rcost_len::double precision AS reverse_cost
                        FROM or_network
                        WHERE geometry && ST_Expand(
                        (SELECT ST_Collect(the_geom) FROM 
or_network_vertices_pgr WHERE id IN (1190869, 586365)),2000)',
                1190869, 586365, false, true);

Thanks in advance


Ross McDonald | GIS Data Coordinator | Resources Department, IT Division | 
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