Hi Olivier,
datasource changing is a feature that I really miss and wait from longtime.
Every Qgis new release I checked without success if the properties
datasource string is editable. I recently found the hack you report (
that I verify to be working up to Wien 2.8.2. Till 2.9 the code crash qgis.
Reading your post I realized that a new QgsVectorLayer method has appeared:
setDatasource. Wow! Perhaps the waiting is going to be over....


Enrico Ferreguti.

2015-06-17 16:45 GMT+02:00 Olivier Dalang <olivier.dal...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Enrico,
> Hmm I didn't think of that, thanks for the idea ! But I can't use it since
> I may have several user at once.
> Best,
> Olivier
> 2015-06-17 16:03 GMT+02:00 enricofer <enrico...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Olivier,
>> In your case, I think that the best way to do this is to create a view
>> from the sql query and load it as layer, than, when qslider changes, change
>> the view definition with "ALTER VIEW"  and reload the layer.
>> Regards,
>> Enrico Ferreguti
>> Il giorno 17/giu/2015, alle ore 14:29, olivier [via OSGeo.org] <[hidden
>> email] <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5211452&i=0>> ha
>> scritto:
>> Hi !
>> Is it possible to change the query of a postgis query layer in python
>> without reloading the project ?
>> The goal is to have a parameter in my query that I'd be able to change
>> with a slider.
>> I tried the QgsVectorLayer.setDataSource() method, but it makes QGis
>> crash.
>> I tried the workaround described here (
>> http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/62610/changing-data-source-of-layer-in-qgis
>> ), writing and reading the XML file, but it also makes QGis crash.
>> If not possible, is there a serious limitation behind this, or is the
>> feature just missing/bugged ?
>> Example :
>> I have this query loaded as a layer:
>> "SELECT id, name, ST_Buffer(geom,25) as geom FROM my_table"
>> But I want to be able to change the hardcoded buffer from 25 to some
>> value from a QSlider.
>> Thanks!
>> Olivier
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