Hi all

In Nødebo at the hackfest we had some lengthy discussions about finally forming 
a legal entity for QGIS. With Andreas Neumann’s help we have drawn up a draft 
charter for creating a SWISS ‘Verein’ and would like to get the process 
underway. I have created a new QEP proposal here:


And there is the draft statute document available here:


In the latter document anyone should be able to make comments - we will try to 
address all the comments and concerns you may raise in that document. Please 
keep your comments there brief and in the form of proposed amended wording to 
the document, and lets discuss in more detail where needed here on the mailing 
list. Hopefully the provided links above give sufficient background as to the 
why and how we intended to create the legal entity - if not we would be happy 
to run through our thinking. I believe Matthias Kuhn also recorded a short 
presentation I did at Nødebo explaining our plans - Matthias if it is of 
suitable quality, perhaps you could share that clip in this thread?


Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member

Qgis-developer mailing list

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