On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Filipe Dias <filipesd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Despite the lack of financial investment QGIS-Processing is, in my
> opinion, the best tool for GIS analysis in the market (including paid
> software). However there are a few problems (like the one mentioned above)
> that can discourage new users and ruin user experience.
> I think some paid development time would certainly help QGIS- processing a
> lot. For instance QGIS-Processing multi-threaded support seems to be
> finished or close but still hasn't been merged into master (I assume
> because no developer had the time to review it).
> If the sponsors are not interested in financing Processing, then
> crowdfunding would be a nice alternative. I would certainly be willing to
> contribute.

​Thank you for your input Filipe!

​Crowdfunding initiatives so far​ were initiated by a dev who was
interested to advance a certain feature. It would be great if somebody
would step forward for Processing because I also think that chances for a
successful funding campaign are quite good.

Best wishes,
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