Hi Victor,

Thanks a lot for this work !

I think this kind of script must ben called by Processing which can check
if all the needed providers are well configured ( grass, otb, etc.). Menu
item could then be removed (or just set inactive) if Processing finds any
issue with each one.


2015-09-23 12:21 GMT+02:00 Victor Olaya <vola...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all
> As a first step to replace Raster and Vector menus with new menu
> entries that call Processing algorithms to avoid redundancy (as we
> have been discussing since sometime ago...), I have added a new method
> to Processing named addAlgorithmEntry. It adds a menu entry in the
> specified menu, which calls a Processign algorithm. Basically, it's an
> easy way of placing an entry point to a Processing algorithm outside
> of the Processing toolbox
> Usage is rather straight forward
> addAlgorithmEntry([name_of_algorithm], [menu_name], [submenu_name],
> [menuentry_text], [icon])
> The last two parameters can be ommited, and the original title and
> icon of the algorithm will be used.
> Here is an example, on how the Raster/Conversion menu could be
> replaced with this:
> import os
> from GdalTools import GdalTools
> from processing.gui.utils import addAlgorithmEntry
> from PyQt4.QtGui import *
> def addRasterAlgorithm(name, group, iconName):
>     icon = QIcon(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(GdalTools.__file__),
> "icons", iconName + ".png"))
>     addAlgorithmEntry(name, "Raster", group, icon = icon)
> addRasterAlgorithm("gdalogr:rasterize", "Conversion", "rasterize")
> addRasterAlgorithm("gdalogr:translate", "Conversion", "translate")
> addRasterAlgorithm("gdalogr:pcttorgb", "Conversion", "24-to-8-bits")
> addRasterAlgorithm("gdalogr:rgbtopct", "Conversion", "8-to-24-bits")
> addRasterAlgorithm("gdalogr:polygonize", "Conversion", "polygonize")
> Now it's a matter of making sure that all algorithms are replaceable
> with a Processing equivalent, and add more lines to the above a script
> for creating the full alternative menu structure.
> Then, that script can be called by Processing itself, or put it in a
> separate plugin that adds GDAL/OGR functionality based on Processing
> algorithms. (Paths to icons should be modified from the above example,
> of course)
> Let me know if you have questions or you want to help on this,
> Regards
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