On 04/11/2015 10:19, Régis Haubourg wrote:
> Matthias Kuhn-2 wrote
>>  * on-the-fly transformation of geometries while rendering (or with some
>> small additions also to create geometries based on attributes)
> Hi, this is quite inline with QEP 46 {0]  about handling geometries to draw
> label paths. Storing geometries in data or having on-the fly smoothing
> expressions for geometries seems to have the same prerequisites for 2.5 D
> and that QEP. Hugo  any opinion on that ? 
> Cheers
> Régis
>  [0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues/46


Exact. The concepts seem very close. Except that in one case it is
before painting and in another case, before drawing labels.

Matthias, is this possible with your proposition to have different parts
of the buildings coming from different geometry columns ?

Currently for a PostGIS table with two geometry columns (or Spatialite I
guess), the second is extracted as a WKT string. I am not sure yet of
what changes would be needed to have them extracted as QgsGeometry. That
would ease (and speed up) such functionalities (2.5D or label paths)
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