I'm new to QGIS, and I want to use QGIS to develop a software to show and 
editing flight tracks. My development environment is as follow:
1 Windows 7
2 Qt4.8.6
3 QGIS2.4(Build from sourcecode).
I have displayed vector and raster in a canvas(QgsMapCanvas) successfully, but 
I don't know how to show labels in QGIS and how to animate them.
I used to do the same job in MapX. In MapX, a user drawing layer is provided to 
decrease CPU usage when some elements must be refreshed frequently. However, it 
seems like that QGIS doesn't provide such layer, so how to animate a moving 
track without refreshing the whole map? 
A colleage use a QWidget window to draw the labels and the QWidget window 
overlays on the canvas(QgsMapCanvas). By this method, he can draw anything he 
want in the QWidget window and refresh the elements. But I feel that this is 
not the recommended way in QGIS. Is there any better way to achieve the 

Can anyone tell me how or provide development documents to refer to? Thanks.
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