Hi guys, I do not know to what degree this will affect anyone, but came
across this snippet:

"Fellow GIS-ers,

As you may be aware, Microsoft dropped dbf support from the newest versions
of Access (2013 & 2016).  Their reasoning?...dbf is an antiquated and/or
dead file format.  They either did not realize or ignored that dbf is the
tabular format behind all shapefiles and very much still in use throughout
the entire GIS industry.  It is the universal format for, at the very
least, GIS data exchange.

Unfortunately, this means one can no longer link to a shapefile dbf table
from within an Access database to work directly with the data (neither
manually nor through VBA).  I’ve been on the phone and exchanged numerous
emails with Microsoft’s support personnel over the past couple of weeks,
building a case for bringing back dbf support. The best I can get (without
a “Premier” support ticket) is the suggestion to continue using Access
2010, or some other registry hack-type workarounds…all of which are
unviable in the long-term.

So, I’m pushing for a “grass-roots” campaign, if this problem directly
affects you…please consider voting for the current “bring back dbf”
suggestion in the online Access suggestion box:"

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