
Yes, rendering multithreaded in the server is possible (but needs some work of course).

What I said was that the effect is probably not that big, because the fcgi module already distributes concurrent requests to different processes. In the special case of very rare requests to the server, it might have a considerable effect. But even then it is very unlikely that a 20sec request will render in 1-2 sec (what you need for interactive web maps).


On 22.04.2016 17:20, Matthias Kuhn wrote:

I don't know the server code very well, so I may be wrong, but I think that making the server multithreaded rendering (MTR) capable should be possible. And while it is certainly often possible to increase the performance with filtering, rules and caching there are certainly also situations where MTR can help a server to generate quick responses (many layers, few requests).

As far as I can see, the main task would be porting the code from QgsMapRenderer to QgsMapRendererJob and QgsMapSettings. A first step into this direction can be found in a recently closed pull request [1], in particular this commit [2].

Concerning parallel DB connection, there's no difference between server and desktop use. This code is already in production use and should be fairly robust already.

I hope I didn't base this message on wrong assumptions and hope someone of the server developers can shed more light onto this.


[1] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/2989/files
[2] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/2989/commits/4cba6393544aeb23569d6c15f19e67f4ff8bf19c

On 22/04/16 17:00, Andrea Peri wrote:

I guess a more time consuming parameter is the number of vertex in the feature involved in the map rather than the layer numbers.


Il 22 apr 2016 3:27 PM, "Jörg Habenicht" <j...@mwerk.net <mailto:j...@mwerk.net>> ha scritto:

    Hi Andreas, dear list,

    sorry for the warm up of this old topic.

    There is in deed a need to enable multi threading in Qgis-Server.

    In our company we use around 60 different layer to lay some topics on
    the map. This may be an extreme example to read, but quite common
    in our
    environment, i.e. we can not lower this number significantly.

    A warmed up QGis-Server process which already read and cached the
    Configuration file qgis-xy.conf still needs around 20 seconds to
    calculate the complete resulting map picture.

    During this calculation there is only one thread working, serializing
    the DB-requests, calculation the layer picture and mapping the
    on the resulting picture.
    The process is running on a multi core server. If we can utilize the
    idle cores to do useful work, this can be an easy example to speed up
    the process (significant).

    I'd like to share my developing experience to do this change, but I
    would need further information and some support to do some useful

    I have scanned the git-Qgis sources (commit
    81744ecf90a8f6c1e2e94fdacb07e3dca6987dcc) for a suitable
    entry. Found QgsMapRenderer::render() because of the line "while (
    li.hasPrevious() )". It seems in this loop the layers are painted in
    serial onto the resulting picture.
    If I can build an auto parallel computing with QtConcurrent in this
    place there seems to be the most gain. I mean to parallelize the loop
    with concurrent DB requests, concurrent painting in separate pictures
    and in serial map the single pictures onto the result picture.

    Right now I don't know if I can do DB requests in parallel, or
    where the
    code for database requests is buried.
    And how about the calls inside the loop, are there side effects
    preventing multi threading?

    Do you got hints, flames or suggestions?


    Am 23.02.2016 um 16:39 schrieb Neumann, Andreas:
    > Hi Régis,
    > QGIS server is single-threaded. You can't simply turn on
    > rendering in QGIS server. The other issue is that each Apache FCGI
    > process has it's own set of cache. So if you have 5-10 parallel
    > threads or processes each thread/process has it's own cache. If
    > client hits a thread that has the cache unititialized you will
    have wait
    > longer until this cache is fillled.
    > I once asked Marco whether one could
    > a) have a shared cache for all Apache threads or processes

    There is no shared cache, because Apache spawns QGis-Processes
    with its
    own memory layout. these Processes know nothing about its
    neighbor, and
    you have a hard time to exchange data between all processes.
    How about a scheduler, which assigns requests to warmed up

    > b) support multi-threaded rendering
    > But he said it would be very complicated to implement a) and
    b), if not
    > impossible. Maybe other devs have other views. Note that was
    about 2
    > years ago, when I last discussed this with Marco.
    > ---------------------
    > Nevertheless I believe there would be room for performance
    > in QGIS server - if interested parties share their efforts (be
    it dev
    > time or financial resources).
    > Andreas
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    mWerk GmbH
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