
I have been working on a presentation for FOSS4G-NA (North America), to be
presented next Tuesday morning in Raleigh, North Carolina:


Since this presentation is not only on the current release, but also
focusing on the upcoming move to 3.0, I would greatly appreciate any
updates or insights you have to share on the following (since it can be a
full time job just trying to keep up with what everyone is working on):

* Major features you may be working on for 2.x or 3.x (e.g. live map
styling dock)

* Current and planned support of Python 3

* Current and planned support of Qt5/PyQt5

* What Qt5 support might offer QGIS in the way of new features or
platform/device support

* Prospective timeline for 3.0 (even wild guesses, since no release date is

* Suggestions on how the community can best help accelerate the move to 3.0
(example: test early beta releases or nightlies)

* What might happen when 2.14 LTR is end-of-life and there is no 3.x LTR
(will latest 2.x branch become defacto LTR?)

Although I have found some information on most of this already, I think it
would be great to hear what developers are most excited about when looking
toward the future of QGIS.

Also, is there a current template for QGIS project slide presentations?

Please note: other than acknowledging and thanking my employer, Boundless,
in one slide of the presentation where I introduce myself, this is not in
any way a "Boundless" presentation, nor even mildly branded as such (all
graphics are from QGIS project). I am solely doing this presentation on the
state of the QGIS project and objectively presenting it as a member of the
QGIS community, with no allusion of representing the project itself.

Thank you for any help or suggestions you can provide.


Larry Shaffer
Dakota Cartography
Black Hills, South Dakota
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