While running QGIS from command line, I got these warnings

Warning: Object::connect: No such signal QgsWebPage::loadFinished( bool )

2016-08-11 11:52 GMT+02:00 kimaidou <kimai...@gmail.com>:

> ​​
> Hi folks,
> In one of my plugins I create a QgsComposition and fill it with some
> QgsComposerLabel items. Extract of code :
> http://paste.debian.net/788195/
> In 2.14, this works fast and well -> my HTML is well rendered when
> exporting the composition to pdf.
> In 2.16, generation take ages, and the exported PDF shows blank labels
> with no rendered content.
> If I comment the line 17 ( with : cl.setHtmlState(2) ) and test again in
> 2.16, PDF generation is as fast as in 2.14, and text is rendered (but
> oviously HTML is not rendered, only plain text ).
> It seems there is an issue with HTML rendering in my QGIS context with QT.
> What would you advise me to do to understand what is going on here ? What
> can I try ?
> NB: is here my QGIS "about" information data:
> Version de QGIS
> 2.16.1-Nødebo
> Révision du code
> 8545b3b
> Compilé avec Qt
> 4.8.7
> Utilisant Qt
> 4.8.7
> Compilé avec GDAL/OGR
> 1.11.3
> Utilisé avec GDAL/OGR
> 1.11.3
> Compilé avec GEOS
> 3.5.0-CAPI-1.9.0
> Utilisé avec GEOS
> 3.5.0-CAPI-1.9.0 r4084
> Version du client PostgreSQL
> 9.5.2
> Version de SpatiaLite
> 4.3.0a
> Version de QWT
> 5.2.3
> Version de PROJ.4 :
> 492
> Version de QScintilla2
> 2.9.1
> Regards,
> Michaël
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