Hi Paolo / Tudor, 

I agree that the QGIS server improvements should be started. But you
need a clear plan on what to do in what order. Requirements need to go
first, otherwise there is no point in selecting devs, getting
quotes/estimates and doing a crowd-funding. And probably, several devs
will be involved. 

I wonder if a QGIS server dev could provide some insight in what needs
to be done, exactly. Who has a good overview regarding open issues
around QGIS server? Probably Marco? 

As to my knowledge, the following items need to be done: 

1. The API changes/improvements need to be done first. There are two
work items pending: 

- Proposal 14 from the QGIS grants titled "Project / Map layer registry
refactoring" from Martin Dobias. Most likely, the german and swiss QGIS
user group will fund this jointly. 

- The GUI/core separation of the widgets, cleanly separate GUI and core
for form widgets. This would allow better access to display values in
QGIS expressions and better access for (Python) Developers and the QGIS
server code base. I have a quote from Matthias Kuhn for approx. 4k EUR.
If someone can fund this, please let me know. 

I am sure there are more desired API changes that are useful for QGIS

2. Then there is the switch from old map renderer to the new one. See

I don't know what other work items need to be done to get QGIS server in
good shape for QGIS 3.x? 

Lets spend some time first, to collect all the requirements before we do
any further actions. I think in this situation a QEP, describing what to
do in what order, makes a lot of sense. After that we can look into who
could do what. 


On 2016-10-12 09:00, Tudor Barascu wrote:

> Hi Paolo, 
> A big thumbs up! 
> All the best, 
> Tudor 
> On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 8:28 AM, Paolo Cavallini 
> <cavall...@faunalia.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> after a first bloom of interest around the improvement/rewrite of qgis
> server, things seem stagnant nowadays. I suggest therefore to:
> * select one or more suitable developers
> * obtain an estimate
> * start a crowdfunding.
> Given the number of interested firms and individuals, I think it should
> be easy to reach the goal.
> Any objection to start soon?
> All the best.
> -- 
> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
> QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
> https://www.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=IT&q=qgis,arcgis
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