Hi H,

Linux is fun, and compiling QGIS makes you a cool dude ;-)

let's chat on irc or telegram...


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 12/14/2016 11:39 AM, DelazJ wrote:
/Disclaimer/: I'm a long-term Windows user who is learning Linux. And
I'm not a developer so be patient.

Before I pulled a request to master branch I decided this time to build
QGIS and check my changes. I often heard people say "Use Linux; it's so
easy to do that". And while a year (or more) ago I completely fail to
understand which version of tools I should install to do that on Windows
(7 or 8), this time it looks very straightforward.
I followed instructions at
(note that it should be updated as there still is:
- a section entitled Qt4
while its content is all about Qt5 and, Qt4 has nothing to do with QGIS
3 if I'm not wrong
- a section entitled Qt5
which warns you about using Qt5)

So, I followed these instructions, regardless Qt4 title:
- create the same folders at the same places
- run "ccmake .." indicate the $home/apps folder as destination folder
for the application (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)
- run "make"
-  and then run "make install", showing many lines that point to my apps
dir. I get a failure due to right access to some folder (I don't know
why). So I run "sudo make install" which went till the end with no
failure (that i can see)

But when all this finishes tens of minutes later, my home/apps dir
remains EMPTY. No QGIS to launch!

If someone has an idea where I should investigate thanks very much. Or
if you need me provide more information, let me know...


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