To the QGIS developers (and not a newbie QGIS plugin developer like me) -

Is there a QGIS python binding for class "QgsMapToolCapture". Or do I have to recreate the various point, line and polygon capture tools ?

My goal is to have 3 tools (point, line and polygon capture) available though a QGIS plugin and show the capture - result in the canvas using QgsRubberBand. I can't find any documentations for the python bindings for QgsMapToolCapture and I guess that they doesn't exist.

I refuse to believe I'm the only one having this problem - So:

 * Does the python bindings exist or not ?
 * If the first answer are "not": Is there some QGIS / qt / python
   based replacement for "QgsMapToolCapture" ??


Bo Victor Thomsen

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