Dear All,

I am working on "implementation of algorithmic graph theory" from past 2
years +.

The following feature is not present in qgis and this features will
encourage many researchers to use qgis for experimental results.

1. Generating graph data-structure from OSM data for a selected polygon.
The data-structure can be

   - Edge stream representation
   - CSR(Compressed Sparse Row)(Popular one)
   - Adjacency list and matrix

If this kind of representation is available many graph algorithms will be
tested like A*, Dijkstra's, Ear decomposition etc

There can be variable components on each edge value like for some
algorithms each edge will have only one value like distance. for some
algorithms, each edge will have more than one value like [time, distance].

2. Finding k landmarks in input map is also a good problem.

Please let me know whether it's a good idea to work on.

Awaiting for a positive response.

Best Regards,
B.Tech(Hons in CS)
IIIT-Sri City

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