
You will find some information for building QGIS 2.18 and QGIS master on OSX 


> Le 31 mai 2017 à 16:49, William Kyngesburye <wokl...@kyngchaos.com> a écrit :
> Well, I build the OS X package.  I recently upgraded to Sierra and it messed 
> up my development setup.  I had problems with QGIS also, but didn't want to 
> spend time figuring it out (I need to build for older systems, and I was way 
> behind on QGIS updates) so I used my other Mac that I kept at Yosemite.
> - installing Qt4 - I had already installed Qt4 so running the installer was 
> not a problem.  But what I have is a standard OS X installer package for Qt4, 
> that should not crash anyways.  BUT, it installs a couple important items in 
> /usr/lib and /usr/bin, which are protected in Sierra by SIP and will fail.  
> You'd have to hack those bits so they are available elsewhere in an 
> unprotected location.  You can use Pacifist to extract installer files so you 
> can put them in custom locations.
> - compiling Qt4 - I never had much luck with this in the past, even in 
> supported OS X versions, but it's long past supported OS X versions and you 
> will at least get lots of warnings, if not errors.  Maybe homebrew and the 
> like have patches to work around these, but sounds like you still had 
> problems.
>> On May 29, 2017, at 9:33 AM, Helton Costa <heltuco...@hotmail.com 
>> <mailto:heltuco...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> This is my first post here and I hope there's not already a post related to 
>> this, even thought I searched through the list a little.
>> I have been trying to build QGIS 2.18 for about 3 weeks following a few step 
>> by steps I found but none of them gave me success. I'm on OSX 10.12.
>> I first followed the official step by step from QGIS, and then, other ones 
>> using homebrew, but wasn't able to finish the build for the intended version.
>> I do believe I have a polluted OS and libraries, but I invested around 6 
>> hours cleaning it and my environments to try it all again, and still, no 
>> success.
>> Mainly, I believe my issue is regarding Qt4, which is already deprecated and 
>> I'm not able to install it properly. I already tried the .dmg from 
>> official's qt website (which crashes) and some cartr and osgeo formulaes 
>> from homebrew and still no success.
>> Somewhere along the configuration and build process I get errors regarding 
>> Qt4 or some of their python bindings libraries and even thought I did manage 
>> to fix some of them, the build was never able to finish.
>> Do you guys believe it is still possible to build non-master versions of 
>> QGIS on OSX, and if so, what would be some kind of different approach in 
>> order to be able to achieve it?
>> Kind regards, 
>> Helton Costa
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> -----
> William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>
> http://www.kyngchaos.com/ <http://www.kyngchaos.com/>
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