Hi all,

I am working on a new feature for upcoming version of Lizmap Web Client,
which allows the user
* to move from one layer object to the next , and shows:
* to see the feature information ( based on Lizmap popup)
* to see the geometry of the feature (highlighted in yellow) , optionnaly

The editor of the QGIS project will choose :
* a coverage layer (same principle as the atlas)
* a label field used to fill a combo box from the layer features
* a field used to order the layer features (usually the label field)
* buttons to move backward/forward, which means to the previous or next
* a button to start an animation, with an option to set the step duration
(5 s by default)

Changing the user in the combo box will trigger the move to the
corresponding feature

I have used QGIS user map data to build a demo
Please tell me if I have the permission to use this data. Obviously, if
using this data is not possible, I will shut down the demo !

The link is

Since this feature is based on a layer, you can imagine other scenarios of


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