On 08/07/2017 01:11, Nyall Dawson wrote:
Hi all,

Following on from this conversation:

it seems we have issues in the qt5 builds under locales which use
commas as decimal separators. Under these locales entering a value
like "5,5"  in a spin box (such as those used in the symbol layer
properties) , then moving focus away from the widget, will discard the

I know *nothing* about what's the expected behavior here, but a quick
google search leads me to believe that most software follow QGIS'
approach and require users to always use ".", regardless of the locale
(e.g. [1]). Is this correct?

It's a trivial change to make to get the spin boxes to accept the
local decimal separator, but this would prevent users entering "5.5"
in those locales.

Can someone from one of these affected regions let me know what the
correct behavior should be? I don't want to make the change if it
breaks entry of 5.5 and that's the standard used in those locales.



Hi Nyall,

I'm in South Africa where the comma is the official decimal separator. If I set my locale to South Africa ZAF (both on Ubuntu Linux and Windows) then a comma is expected as the decimal separator. However, I have met very few people in South Africa who actually use a comma, or even know that it is our "official" decimal separator. Everyone uses a decimal point.

This leads to problems in QGIS, however. I'm using QGIS Master on Ubuntu 17.04 set to locale ZAF and if, for example, I want to change a stroke width in the Styling Dock then this is what happens:

- I initially see the default stroke width displayed as 0,26 Millimeter.

- If I change the value by using the spinner all is fine. One click up and the value changes to 0,46.

- If I try type in a number such as 0,8 and push enter/tab the number is automatically changed to Hairline.

- If, instead, I type in the number with a decimal point 0.8 the number is accepted but the decimal point is automatically changed to a comma.

This is confusing, to say the least. The number has to be entered with a point but is displayed with a comma. For me the ideal would be to use a decimal point throughout and ditch the comma.


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