On 13-10-17 17:15, DelazJ wrote:

>  While we are at UI/UX discussion, may I recall that we created months
> ago an ad hoc repository
> (https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues
> <https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues>) and that
> repository is full of issues waiting for pickers/opinions? And to
> paraphrase someone, "Freeze is coming"...

Yes, thanks Harrissou!!, for reminding. I've a short memory for these
things. Keep pointing to those, at is a great helpfull list!

>>         Some low hanging fruit I would like to do/discuss:
>>         - move 'Plugins/Install plugin from zip' to the dialog
> Keen to see how this can integrate the Plugin manager and stays obvious
> for user but why not

My 'problem' is that when I show QGIS to people, they get crazy from all
the options we have. Options which are either used rarely, or only used
when you are a more advanced person.
This 'install from zip' is (I think...) most usefull for dev's, not for
normal/average users.
Just a better icon and then in the manager like this?

>>         - remove overview panel (and menu actions)

See rest of thread, I will create an issue for it at:

>>         - merge Project New and New from Template to one 'menu
>>         group'-action
> -1 from me. New project is a normal and expected button directly under
> Project menu. I don't know how the group would be called but merging
> anyway adds another click (for a basic action).
> Question: are there many people around using template project?
> According to another thread/comment from you, if you are trying to
> customize and simplify QGIS interface, isn't it easier to deal with
> direct and single button from a menu than buttons within a "menu group"
> under a menu? There could be a risk to end up with a sub-menu with a
> single item. Hope that i'm clear :)

Yeah, maybe you are right. But another argument is that IF I think the
new concept of a 'profile' is about the same as 'default project' so I
thought to 'merge' these concepts, and then thought: ok template,
profile, configuration... isn't that all about the  same...

Thanks for the input all, and let's continue with these issues at:


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