Hi Anita

Are you going to put it on the QGIS blog? Could you share the draft then it is 
on WP so I can make some edits?

For now I also put your text as a placeholder in the changelog for 3.0 here


By the way I’d love it if non-coders (and of course coders also welcome) out 
there who are looking for a way to contribute to QGIS could contact me and help 
to write up the changelog for 3.0….Its going to be a massive job since our 
developer community have been rather busy adding lots of new features and 
tweaks in QGIS 3.0!



> On 17 Oct 2017, at 22:36, Anita Graser <anitagra...@gmx.at> wrote:
> I've extended Régis' draft with some of the more recent information. Please 
> let me know what you think. I'll try to publish in a couple of days.
> -- start --
> QGIS server refactoring is done!
> As you may know, QGIS is jumping to a new major version (yes!). Doing so was 
> made necessary because of the need to switch to python 3, QT5, but also 
> because we needed to break the QGIS API in several places. 
> (http://blog.qgis.org/2016/02/10/qgis-3-0-plans/ 
> <http://blog.qgis.org/2016/02/10/qgis-3-0-plans/>) 
> A year ago, a tiny troll  <https://github.com/qgis/qgis3.0_api/issues/63>from 
> switzerland rang a bell about the strong need for love server code base 
> required. Indeed, the API was locked by some old methods of QGIS server. In 
> short, QGIS server was reparsing the qgs project file in his own way, and 
> created dependencies to part of QGIS we needed to drop.
> As outsourcing the server code base was not an option, so we had to refactor 
> it. The involved parties decided to get engaged in a code sprint 
> <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/wiki/QGIS3---QGIS-Server-code-sprint-Notes> in 
> the city of Lyon , France dedicated to sharing their vision, planning the 
> work and finally making all the following 
> <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues/74> happen:
> Higher level refactoring
> All services (WMS GetMap, WFS GetFeature, GetLegendGraphics, WCS, GetPrint 
> etc..) have been rewritten. Some like WMS were entirely rewritten. Kudos to 
> the devs!
> New features
> - Multi-thread rendering <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/3886> like in the 
> desktop
> - A new option to trust layer metadata 
> <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5094> and thus speed up project loading
> - WFS 1.1 support https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5297 
> <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5297> 
> - Full Python bindings for the server API
> - Server Services as plugins like providers
> Deep, complex and unrewarding tasks
> - Remove all singleton calls
> - Cut all the dependencies to the old QGIS project file parser
> - Minimize dependencies to GUI library. Since fonts are necessary to render 
> maps, totally removing them was not feasable. 
> Infrastructure tasks
> - Build a OGC compliancy platform 
> <http://oslandia.com/en/2017/06/16/qgis-server-ogc-cite-compliance-testing/> 
> and integrate it to a continuous integration platform. Conformity reports are 
> now pushed to tests.qgis.org <http://tests.qgis.org/> 
> - Add unit tests ... and again more unit tests
> - Stress QGIS server against security leaks 
> <http://oslandia.com/en/2017/06/14/qgis-server-security-aspect/> (SQL 
> injections and other malicious attacks)
> - Start profiling and bench marking performances. This work still need some 
> love - and funding - to be achieved
> A presentation 
> <https://git.osgeo.org/gogs/foss4g-europe/foss4g-europe-2017-paris/src/master/presentations/2017-07-20/general_track/foss4g-europe-2017-QGIS_3_Refactoring_and_enhancement-DMarteau-PBlottiere.pdf>
>  was given at FOSS4G-EU in July. 
> Congratulations to the developers who worked hard on that work. 
> Now this deserves to be well tested, please report back any issues!
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