On 3 January 2018 at 23:59, Jakob Lanstorp <jlanst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm building a Processing plugin used as an interface between QGIS and a
> geological PostGIS database.
> The resulting layer is as standard loaded automatically (Processing best
> practices). This resulting load (shapefile) happens after method
> processAlgorithm of GeoAlgorithm has run.
> This gives me no chance of setting the resulting layer style. Is there any
> post-processingAlgorithm method or anything else I can use? I'm aware of
> "qgis:setstyleforvectorlayer" but my script is not meant for the modeller
> and would like the algorithm to be run in one step not two steps.
> I may be out of scoop for what a Processing plugin is meant for - but like
> the non ui and direct algorithm approach.

I don't believe this is possible in 2.x, nor currently in 3.0 either.
BUT - the API has changed significantly in 3.0 and could be expanded
to allow for this type of approach in future 3.x releases.

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