On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 1:56 PM, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes - if you can propose how much this would require, please let us know.
> However, we would also need a plan how sustainable this piece of
> infrastructure would be. Who would look after it if things fail?

Well, maintenance will be an issue whatever infrastructure we opt for.

> How would this fit in with the rest of our infrastructure, etc, etc.
> Also, is AWS the only option, or are there other alternatives?

There are for sure, but the Vagrant setup for the AWS build is already done
and tested in production for plugins CI, I don't know if anybody is still
maintaining it though, I'm not looking at it since I left Boundless.

BTW, I'd recommend to check and use the Boundless nightlies while they are
still available, they might need updates for 3D though, I'm pretty sure
it's not using Qt 9.x but the stock Qt from trusty64

Alessandro Pasotti
w3:   www.itopen.it
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