Here is a test script that illustrate the problem a bit further: if we run 
createProvider() twice, the first time 
the getCapbabilities will fail with a timeout. The second time, it will 

If you run this script, clear the Qgis network cache between two invocations. 

import os
import logging

from qgis.core import QgsApplication, QgsMessageLog
from qgis.core import QgsProject, QgsProviderRegistry

logger = logging.getLogger()

# No Display
os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM'] = 'offscreen'

qgis_application = QgsApplication([], False )
qgis_application.setPrefixPath('/usr/local', True)

# Log any messages
def writelogmessage(message, tag, level):
    arg = '{}: {}'.format( tag, message )
    if level == QgsMessageLog.WARNING:
    elif level == QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL:
    else: <>(arg)

messageLog = QgsApplication.messageLog()
messageLog.messageReceived.connect( writelogmessage )

wmsuri = 
          "&url= <>" )

# GetCapabilities Fail with Request Timeout !!!
provider = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().createProvider( "wms", wmsuri )

# Run again => works !!!
provider = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().createProvider( "wms", wmsuri )

del qgis_application

We have also tested simple QgsNetwork invocation from c++: tests shows that 
event loops have the running status, but the 
request is not processed at the  first invocation.


> Le 15 janv. 2018 à 15:05, David Marteau <> a écrit :
>> Hi David, 
>> You  need an event loop to use a Q(qg)NetworkAccessManager, it's 
>> asynchronous.
> Hi Alessandro,
> Yes, we know that (see the second code in previous mail  ):  the  
> QgsNetworkAccessManager works perfeclty in python, this is not the point.
> The point is: trying to instanciate  a  wmsprovider will issue a timeout when 
> trying to request the capabilities: the code responsible for that creates its 
> own QEventLoop and manage to do a blocking call (which is expected here). 
> Please have a look at 
> <>.
>   What we do not understand is why, despite the call of loop.exec() in the 
> c++ code, the request is not processed (my example with the  
> Q(gs)etworkAccessManager
> shows that it should processed)
> Actually you cannot instanciate properly a QgsProject with a WMS layer.
> To convince yourself, try to instanciate a QgsProject in python (in a 
> standalone python script) from a .qgs project having a single wms layer: it 
> will fail to instanciate the layer.
>> -- 
>> Alessandro Pasotti
>> w3: <>

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