Hi Nyall,

Il 23/01/2018 01:16, Nyall Dawson ha scritto:

> Option 1:
> Run the "Add unique value field index" algorithm to add an
> autogenerated code for each unique category. Then, run the "List
> unique values" algorithm selecting both the original field and the
> newly created field for the "target fields" in order to get a summary
> table mapping the new categories to their original values (or wait
> until https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/6132 is merged, which adds
> creation of this summary table as an option to the alg... then you can
> do this with a single algorithm execution)

great, thanks for the improvement! this solves things brilliantly.
what would be great is the possibility of doing the same thing for more
than a column in the same execution. it is cumbersome to do it over and
over for a large table.
one further improvement would be to automatically add in the layer
property style the summary table as Value map.
should I open feature reqs for this?
All the best, and thanks again.

Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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