Hi Daniel

as you can see reading the code in

repos are get from Settings (that you can install a custom one via
custom post install scripts) and repos are compared with officialRepo
array that is global scope var that you can and set via python

import pyplugin_installer
print pyplugin_installer.installer_data.officialRepo
(u'QGIS Official Plugin Repository',

because it's python you can overload/alias almost everithing, also
that function that have hardcoded params

btw If you find useful an enhancement, please file a PR with you
general solution that can be useful to other users.

just my 2c because I never approached this problem...
Luigi Pirelli

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On 25 January 2018 at 02:13, Daniel Silk <ds...@linz.govt.nz> wrote:
> Hi all
> I am currently involved in rolling QGIS 2.18 out in a corporate environment. 
> The security risk of a user installing a malicious plugin from the Official 
> Plugin Repository has come up.
> While we can ensure our corporate plugin repository is immediately visible to 
> all corporate users via a startup.py script, it appears that we:
> - cannot remove the Official Plugin Repository from the repository list (due 
> to 
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/release-2_18/python/pyplugin_installer/installer_data.py#L316-L326)
> - cannot disable the Official Plugin Repository via Python API (and the user 
> would just be able to enable via the Plugin Manager interface anyway)
> - cannot set the Plugin Manager interface to only show trusted plugins
> - cannot set the url parameters to include trusted=true as the url params are 
> hardcoded: 
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/release-2_18/python/pyplugin_installer/installer_data.py#L228
> So is there any other way to remove the Official Plugin Repository or limit 
> the plugins that we allow users to view and install?
> Thanks
> Daniel
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