On 27 January 2018 at 02:58, Tom Chadwin <tom.chad...@nnpa.org.uk> wrote:
> No, my mistake. I think there might be an issue with the processing wrapper
> for gdal:warp. It takes the argument TARGET_EXTENT, and uses that for the
> GDAL arg "-te". However, it then tries to add in extent details, and I think
> there might be an incorrect variable name. In warp.py from line 190:
> arguments.append(rasterExtent.xMinimum())
> arguments.append(rasterExtent.yMinimum())
> arguments.append(rasterExtent.xMaximum())
> arguments.append(rasterExtent.yMaximum())
> I'm not sure "rasterExtents" is defined, but substituting the more plausible
> "extent" gets no extent value out.
> Is this an issue, or are the Python bindings for Processing's
> gdal:warpreproject working for others?

Fixed by Alex in

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