Hi Giovanni,

Not sure what you exactly did, I wasn't even aware of QGIS being able doing any 1:n relations.

But a few months ago I had to do a more complex 1:n relation, including adding some fields. I solved it by using a virtual layer. The description is here:


Maybe it could help you. Or maybe you know an easier way for doing this? Btw, I would normally do this using PostGIS but this was a question from a customer.


On 17-04-18 18:23, Giovanni Manghi wrote:
Hi all,

I have recently had to test some scenario with 1:n relations in QGIS and I have found a few issues and would like to know if someone has them in its pipeline/todo list, eventually to share the effort for the fixes.

Anyway I'm also interested on your feedback on the matter.

1) 1:n relations in QGIS3. They seems unusable at the moment. When opening a parent layer feature form, the area/space where the child records should show does not show/cannot be expanded.

2) 1:n relations in QGIS 2.18.

I have tried a scenario (that to me seems not unusual at all) where both the parent and the child are layers/tables with a geometry.

The case where the child has its own geometries does not seems well implemented (if implemented at all) in the context of the relation feature form and this causes the following:

a) from within the parent feature form, if I edit the child and try add a new record there is no tool to allow also add/digitize the proper geometry. The user can still enter only the attributes and when saving I have seen two things happen *) In a test project using GPKGs this led effectively to a record orphaned of its geometry *) In a test project using PostGIS layers the edits are *silently* discarded, no warning, no error, not even in QGIS logs.

b) from within the parent feature form, when toggling editing for the child, this is effectively put it in edit state also in the layers panel. So a user can "move away" the parent feature form (that it is on first plane) and use the standard editing tools to add a geometry to the child layer. When finished the attributes form pop-up and can be used to fill the data, with the important issue/limitation that the "referencing field" is *not* automatically filled as it is done when working within the relation form. Once saved the new record will also show in the relation form. This seems a partial workaround because as said the referencing field is not automatically filled.

Am I missing something?

thanks in advance for your feedback.


-- Giovanni --

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