On 21-04-18 08:55, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> On 20 April 2018 at 18:42, matteo <matteo.ghe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi devs,
>> maybe a really small issue. But it seems to me that there are quite
>> fewer layer legend customization available in QGIS 3 than QGIS 2.
>> In QGIS2 in "Settings - Options - Canvas and Legend" there are some
>> useful customization (bold names
> This option was dropped. The rationale was that we cannot have options
> for every user interface setting like this or the interface becomes
> just a daunting mess! Either bold names is good, and they should be
> used in all installs, or they aren't needed.

A related nuisance from an (older) user I got a question from:

- in QGIS3 invisible layers are grayed out in the LayersPanel, but so
much that they become unreadable to him...

I agree that you cannot make EVERY option settable, but... maybe we can
come up with another visible cue that layers are hidden?

OR is there an advanced setting to move it back to black?



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