Hi a colleague passed me a gpkg with a style that introduce GEOS exceptions
during rendering... what? geos errors for a style? exactly, before to strt
to investigate, I would like to have confirmation and/or if someone
encountered already the same problem

the data set to replicate with project is here:

here you can find three layer
1) the original geopackage (called geopackage) with a style that genereate
GEOS errors
2) a new geopackage (called capas_referencia) that is a "save as" of the
first one and with a similar style applied done manually (no GEOS errors
and rendering is fast)
3) a third geomackage (called capas_referencia2) that is a "save as" of the
first one where the style applied is a copy/paste of the style of the first
error => generate GEOS errors)

test has been executed on qgis3 win8/32b, qgis master win10/64, qgis master
on linux compiled version)

thank you in advance for any hint

Luigi Pirelli

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