On Wed, 25 Jul 2018 at 00:50, DelazJ <del...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,

> - if it's a geometryless layer, then the project CRS is set to epsg:4326

This one is definitely a bug!

> Then, my question is what's the interest of setting a default CRS for all 
> projects, if each time I open a new project it's the first loaded layer that 
> dictates the rule and applies its CRS?

I'm not sure :) It does have some impact, e.g. because creating a new
layer will use this crs (if it's done before any other layers are
added). I suspect this is one of those settings which has been around
for so long that it just no longer has any real meaning. Maybe it's a
relic from before OTF was introduced?

The options I can see are:

1. Remove the setting, always start new projects in EPSG:4326, and
then switch to match the crs of the first loaded layer
2. Remove the "set project crs to match first loaded layer crs"
feature, and always start new projects in the crs defined by that
setting. Loading layers doesn't change the crs.

We need to proceed with caution here. For reference, I'd be a hesitant
+1 to option 2.

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