Thanks! That worked!

I put in a fully qualified file name in the "Grid" dialog box and it worked - I left the "Open output file after running algorithm" checked and it adds the vector layer to my project. It uses a default layer name of "Grid" rather than my file name, but I can rename it.

Exploring a bit, I opened the [...] button for the input field and selected File. I got the standard Save file dialog defaulted to C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\processing\outputs. My bet is that this directory requires special permission to write to, and I would not want to put my files there anyway.

RE: Was this done through the processing toolbox? How did you obtain the
"test" value here?

Yes, I used the processing toolbox: Processing->Toolbox->Vector creation->Create grid. The dialog that opens has a "Grid" section at the bottom with an input field. By default it contains the advisory [Create temporary layer]. I used this the first time I tried Create Grid, and it worked. I then renamed the layer in the layer panel and saved it. Given my experience, I assumed that I could type in the name of a layer here and it would put the layer in the layer panel, from which I could save it. I now understand how it works. Thanks!

For reference, I have attached a screen shot of the dialog box - hope it makes it through the list server!

Since this is a developer list, I have two suggestions - First update the Create Grid documentation, second, create an "invalid file name" trace in the log or some such message so the cause of the problem would be better understood by those who might run into it.

I'm sure I can update the documentation, and I might be able to update the code also. What should I do to get involved with helping out?

On 7/25/2018 6:40 PM, Nyall Dawson wrote:
Looking at this, the value for output is a bit odd: 'test'.  This
should usually be a full path, e.g. "c:\users\nd\Desktop\all my
important stuff which i need\grid_final_rev2_revised.shp". I suspect
this is where the issue comes from, it's trying to create a file named
"test" in an unspecified directory which is likely somewhere you don't
have permission to write to.

Was this done through the processing toolbox? How did you obtain the
"test" value here?


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