On 16-10-18 04:19, Nyall Dawson wrote:
The API uses ints instead of the direct DataDefinedProperty enums, as
the enums vary by part of code (there's separate enums for symbology,
labelling, layouts, etc)

For symbology:

layer = QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayer(...)
layer.setDataDefinedProperty( QgsSymbolLayer.PropertyName,
QgsProperty.fromExpression( " some expression ") )


Thanks Nyall, that works!

And now I know the property name, I could also find the other properties. And then I started searching the code for more and found the ones listed below. Possibly there are more.

It was apparently too hard for me finding these property names and I wonder if others are struggling as well. Where could we put this in a way where people can find it and where it will be easily to maintain? The cookbook?


      PropertyHeight = 0,       //!< Height (altitude)
PropertyExtrusionHeight, //!< Extrusion height (zero means no extrusion)

      NoProperty = 0, //!< No property
      AllProperties, //!< All properties for item
      TestProperty, //!< Dummy property with no effect on item
      //composer page properties
      PresetPaperSize, //!< Preset paper size for composition
      PaperWidth, //!< Paper width (deprecated)
      PaperHeight, //!< Paper height (deprecated)
      NumPages, //!< Number of pages in composition (deprecated)
      PaperOrientation, //!< Paper orientation
      //general composer item properties
      PageNumber, //!< Page number for item placement
      PositionX, //!< X position on page
      PositionY, //!< Y position on page
      ItemWidth, //!< Width of item
      ItemHeight, //!< Height of item
      ItemRotation, //!< Rotation of item
      Transparency, //!< Item transparency (deprecated)
      Opacity, //!< Item opacity
      BlendMode, //!< Item blend mode
      ExcludeFromExports, //!< Exclude item from exports
      FrameColor, //!< Item frame color
      BackgroundColor, //!< Item background color
      //composer map
      MapRotation, //!< Map rotation
      MapScale, //!< Map scale
      MapXMin, //!< Map extent x minimum
      MapYMin, //!< Map extent y minimum
      MapXMax, //!< Map extent x maximum
      MapYMax, //!< Map extent y maximum
      MapAtlasMargin, //!< Map atlas margin
      MapLayers, //!< Map layer set
      MapStylePreset, //!< Layer and style map theme
      //composer picture
      PictureSource, //!< Picture source url
      PictureSvgBackgroundColor, //!< SVG background color
      PictureSvgStrokeColor, //!< SVG stroke color
      PictureSvgStrokeWidth, //!< SVG stroke width
      //html item
      SourceUrl, //!< Html source url
      //legend item
      LegendTitle, //!< Legend title
      LegendColumnCount, //!< Legend column count
      //scalebar item
      ScalebarFillColor, //!< Scalebar fill color
      ScalebarFillColor2, //!< Scalebar secondary fill color
      ScalebarLineColor, //!< Scalebar line color
      ScalebarLineWidth, //!< Scalebar line width,
      //table item
      AttributeTableSourceLayer, //!< Attribute table source layer

      BackgroundColor, //!< Diagram background color
      StrokeColor, //!< Stroke color
      StrokeWidth, //!< Stroke width
      PositionX, //! x-coordinate data defined diagram position
      PositionY, //! y-coordinate data defined diagram position
      Distance, //! Distance to diagram from feature
      Priority, //! Diagram priority (between 0 and 10)
      ZIndex, //! Z-index for diagram ordering
IsObstacle, //! Whether diagram features act as obstacles for other diagrams/labels
      Show, //! Whether to show the diagram
AlwaysShow, //! Whether the diagram should always be shown, even if it overlaps other diagrams/labels
      StartAngle, //! Angle offset for pie diagram

      Size = 0, //!< Label size
      Bold = 1, //!< Use bold style
      Italic = 2, //!< Use italic style
      Underline = 3, //!< Use underline
      Color = 4, //!< Text color
      Strikeout = 5, //!< Use strikeout
      Family = 6, //!< Font family
      FontStyle = 21, //!< Font style name
      FontSizeUnit = 22, //!< Font size units
      FontTransp = 18, //!< Text transparency (deprecated)
      FontOpacity = 92, //!< Text opacity
      FontCase = 27, //!< Label text case
      FontLetterSpacing = 28, //!< Letter spacing
      FontWordSpacing = 29, //!< Word spacing
      FontBlendMode = 30, //! Text blend mode

      // text formatting
      MultiLineWrapChar = 31,
      AutoWrapLength = 101,
      MultiLineHeight = 32,
      MultiLineAlignment = 33,
      DirSymbDraw = 34,
      DirSymbLeft = 35,
      DirSymbRight = 36,
      DirSymbPlacement = 37,
      DirSymbReverse = 38,
      NumFormat = 39,
      NumDecimals = 40,
      NumPlusSign = 41,

      // text buffer
      BufferDraw = 42,
      BufferSize = 7,
      BufferUnit = 43,
      BufferColor = 8,
      BufferTransp = 19, //!< Buffer transparency (deprecated)
      BufferOpacity = 94, //!< Buffer opacity
      BufferJoinStyle = 44,
      BufferBlendMode = 45,

      // background
      ShapeDraw = 46,
      ShapeKind = 47,
      ShapeSVGFile = 48,
      ShapeSizeType = 49,
      ShapeSizeX = 50,
      ShapeSizeY = 85,
      ShapeSizeUnits = 51,
      ShapeRotationType = 52,
      ShapeRotation = 53,
      ShapeOffset = 54,
      ShapeOffsetUnits = 55,
      ShapeRadii = 56,
      ShapeRadiiUnits = 57,
      ShapeTransparency = 63, //!< Shape transparency (deprecated)
      ShapeOpacity = 93, //!< Shape opacity
      ShapeBlendMode = 64,
      ShapeFillColor = 58,
      ShapeStrokeColor = 59,
      ShapeStrokeWidth = 60,
      ShapeStrokeWidthUnits = 61,
      ShapeJoinStyle = 62,

      // drop shadow
      ShadowDraw = 65,
      ShadowUnder = 66,
      ShadowOffsetAngle = 67,
      ShadowOffsetDist = 68,
      ShadowOffsetUnits = 69,
      ShadowRadius = 70,
      ShadowRadiusUnits = 71,
      ShadowTransparency = 72, //!< Shadow transparency (deprecated)
      ShadowOpacity = 95, //!< Shadow opacity
      ShadowScale = 73,
      ShadowColor = 74,
      ShadowBlendMode = 75,

      // placement
      CentroidWhole = 76,
      OffsetQuad = 77,
      OffsetXY = 78,
      OffsetUnits = 80,
      LabelDistance = 13,
      DistanceUnits = 81,
      OffsetRotation = 82,
      CurvedCharAngleInOut = 83,
      // (data defined only)
      PositionX = 9, //!< X-coordinate data defined label position
      PositionY = 10, //!< Y-coordinate data defined label position
Hali = 11, //!< Horizontal alignment for data defined label position (Left, Center, Right) Vali = 12, //!< Vertical alignment for data defined label position (Bottom, Base, Half, Cap, Top) Rotation = 14, //!< Label rotation (deprecated, for old project compatibility only)
      LabelRotation = 96, //!< Label rotation
      RepeatDistance = 84,
      RepeatDistanceUnit = 86,
      Priority = 87,
      PredefinedPositionOrder = 91,

      // rendering
      ScaleVisibility = 23,
MinScale = 16, //!< Min scale (deprecated, for old project compatibility only)
      MinimumScale = 97, //!< Minimum map scale (ie most "zoomed out")
MaxScale = 17, //!< Max scale (deprecated, for old project compatibility only)
      MaximumScale = 98, //!< Maximum map scale (ie most "zoomed in")
      FontLimitPixel = 24,
      FontMinPixel = 25,
      FontMaxPixel = 26,
      IsObstacle = 88,
      ObstacleFactor = 89,
      ZIndex = 90,

      // (data defined only)
      Show = 15,
      AlwaysShow = 20

      PropertySize = 0, //!< Symbol size
      PropertyAngle, //!< Symbol angle
      PropertyName, //!< Name, eg shape name for simple markers
      PropertyFillColor, //!< Fill color
      PropertyStrokeColor, //!< Stroke color
      PropertyStrokeWidth, //!< Stroke width
      PropertyStrokeStyle, //!< Stroke style (eg solid, dashed)
      PropertyOffset, //!< Symbol offset
      PropertyCharacter, //!< Character, eg for font marker symbol layers
      PropertyWidth, //!< Symbol width
      PropertyHeight, //!< Symbol height
PropertyPreserveAspectRatio, //!< Preserve aspect ratio between width and height
      PropertyFillStyle, //!< Fill style (eg solid, dots)
      PropertyJoinStyle, //!< Line join style
      PropertySecondaryColor, //!< Secondary color (eg for gradient fills)
      PropertyLineAngle, //!< Line angle
      PropertyLineDistance, //!< Distance between lines
      PropertyGradientType, //!< Gradient fill type
      PropertyCoordinateMode, //!< Gradient coordinate mode
      PropertyGradientSpread, //!< Gradient spread mode
      PropertyGradientReference1X, //!< Gradient reference point 1 x
      PropertyGradientReference1Y, //!< Gradient reference point 1 y
      PropertyGradientReference2X, //!< Gradient reference point 2 x
      PropertyGradientReference2Y, //!< Gradient reference point 2 y
PropertyGradientReference1IsCentroid, //!< Gradient reference point 1 is centroid PropertyGradientReference2IsCentroid, //!< Gradient reference point 2 is centroid
      PropertyBlurRadius, //!< Shapeburst blur radius
      PropertyShapeburstUseWholeShape, //!< Shapeburst use whole shape
PropertyShapeburstMaxDistance, //!< Shapeburst fill from edge distance
      PropertyShapeburstIgnoreRings, //!< Shapeburst ignore rings
      PropertyFile, //!< Filename, eg for svg files
      PropertyDistanceX, //!< Horizontal distance between points
      PropertyDistanceY, //!< Vertical distance between points
      PropertyDisplacementX, //!< Horizontal displacement
      PropertyDisplacementY, //!< Vertical displacement
      PropertyOpacity, //!< Opacity
      PropertyCustomDash, //!< Custom dash pattern
      PropertyCapStyle, //!< Line cap style
      PropertyPlacement, //!< Line marker placement
      PropertyInterval, //!< Line marker interval
      PropertyOffsetAlongLine, //!< Offset along line
      PropertyHorizontalAnchor, //!< Horizontal anchor point
      PropertyVerticalAnchor, //!< Vertical anchor point
      PropertyLayerEnabled, //!< Whether symbol layer is enabled
      PropertyArrowWidth, //!< Arrow tail width
      PropertyArrowStartWidth, //!< Arrow tail start width
      PropertyArrowHeadLength, //!< Arrow head length
      PropertyArrowHeadThickness, //!< Arrow head thickness
      PropertyArrowHeadType, //!< Arrow head type
      PropertyArrowType, //!< Arrow type

      RootPath = 0, //!< Root path for external resource
      DocumentViewerContent //!< Document type for external resource
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