
> On 30 Oct 2018, at 00:44, Nyall Dawson <nyall.daw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ideally I'd agree with the sentiment here, but a large number of our
> developers can't attend these hackfests. (And as witnessed by the bug
> tracker discussion this leads to lack of ownership of a decision by
> those not in attendance).
> Maybe something like this would be a possible approach:
> 1. PSC discuss whether this is something they want to pursue as an
> organisation or not. If not, end of discussion.

Agreed - QGIS.org needs to decide whether it wants to hold all the copyright 
for the QGIS code base.

> 2. Create a QEP page for central discussion on the point. Advertisie
> initially on mailing lists.


> 3. When enough discussion (and hopefully, consensus) has been reached
> on a possible approach, send a link to the QEP discussion to all known
> contributors for wider feedback. If no consensus, end of discussion.


> 4. If there is general approval amongst contributors  AND is appears
> to be possible to advance then PSC/org get legal advise before
> proceeding. If not legally possible, end of discussion.

Maybe this step is better done up front - pointless writing QEP’s etc if we 
don’t have the legal capacity to be the rights owner. Though I would expect 
this is a formality and would be very surprised if QGIS.org could not be the 
rights owner...

> 5. Formalise the proposal into some legally binding agreement


> 6. Get voting members to vote on proposal (maybe 5/6 would be
> flipped?). If vote is declined, end of discussion.

Are they voting that they are OK with QGIS.org holding the rights? I would make 
it 5/6 of actual votes to prevent voter apathy killing the initiative….

> 7. Get existing contributors to sign the agreement.

As mentioned I would make it 'contributors of what is in a snapshot of the 
current codebase'. We do this by making a fork with no revision history and 
leave the existing repo with current GPL license and revision history intact. 
Then we only contact devs who have code in the fork.

> (8. Replace existing code from any non-signing contributors)


> 9. Put process in place for new contributors to agree to agreement
> before contributions are allowed.

Agreed: We can automate the process by using a tool like: 
https://github.com/cla-assistant/cla-assistant (I think there are a few of them 
out there)...

> I realise that this is a long and potentially difficult path, but many
> other projects have successfully navigated it. And I think we should
> at least explore it, if for no other reason then to know if we never
> need to have this discussion again :)

I have often thought about this over the years - no particularly for iOS which 
spawned the discussion, but to remove a huge roadblock for us ever 
pragmatically tweaking our license.

If the above path fails, I think there are other things we could do, like 
introducing this non-retrospectively, so that any new code coming in is ceded 
to QGIS.org ownership and we leave whatever is in the code base as-is. Devs 
could cede their previous work to QGIS.org on an individual basis if they want 
to. Over time the bulk of the code may naturally become the copyright of 
QGIS.org (think version 10 here…)

Thanks for the nice breakdown Nyall…



> Nyall
>> Thanks Nyall for the suggestion.
>> --
>> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu <http://www.faunalia.eu/>
>> QGIS.ORG <http://qgis.org/> Chair:
>> http://planet.qgis.org/planet/user/28/tag/qgis%20board/ 
>> <http://planet.qgis.org/planet/user/28/tag/qgis%20board/>
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Tim Sutton

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