
> Bah... feels like *every* major release someone ends up sending an email
like this...

My opinion this may show a problem with our development cycle setup. In my
previous company, different closed-sourced software, we had so called code
freeze. For example it could be 1-2 weeks before actual release and ideally
some users would have time to test the "release-candidate" of QGIS before
going public.

>From wikipedia:

   - A *(complete) code freeze*, in which no changes whatsoever are
   permitted to a portion or the entirety of the program's source code.
   Particularly in large software systems, any change to the source code may
   have unintended consequences
   <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regression_bug>, potentially introducing
   new bugs; thus, a code freeze helps ensure that a portion of the program
   that is known to work correctly will continue to do so. Code freezes are
   often employed in the final stages of development, when a particular
   release or iteration is being tested, but may also be used to prevent
   changes to one portion of a program while another is undergoing development.


On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 6:32 AM Mathieu Pellerin <nirvn.a...@gmail.com>

> That's rather unfortunate, but most probably needed. The issue raised,
> 20262, affects WMS(T), XYZ, WFS, etc. layers.
> On top of - and very much due to - the gravity of the bug itself, 3.4 is
> flagged as LTR, and it'd be most appropriate to insure that people jumping
> onto this new LTR aren't left with a bad first impression.
> Math
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 8:55 AM Nyall Dawson <nyall.daw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Bah... feels like every major release someone ends up sending an email
>> like this... but in this case, https://issues.qgis.org/issues/20262
>> has totally destroyed QGIS network based providers with Qt 5.11 and
>> above.
>> This is not anyone's fault -- it's an upstream change in the Qt
>> library which changed some behavior we relied on. Not there fault, not
>> our fault. But end result is that it makes QGIS basically unusable for
>> any non gdal/ogr layers on Qt >= 5.11. And unfortunately our major
>> platforms only saw an upgrade to Qt 5.11 late in the bug fixing
>> period, which made this one slow to be identified.
>> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/8383 should fix it.
>> Soo.... could we break the normal cycle and get a point release out
>> quickly? (Ideally with a couple of days prenotice so that anyone else
>> working on urgent bug fixes could get them in too)
>> Nyall
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