Hi there,

I'm confronted to a big issue with embed layers. We have a lot of projects
with embed layer groups (like cadastral map, city map, addresses, etc.) and
the status (enabled/disabled) is not keept in my child projects.

Steps to reproduce:
- Create new project with QGIS 3.4.5
- Create 2 subgroups and add layers in it (keep them enabled)
- Save project as Ref.qgs
- Close project
- Create a new one
- Add all layers/groups from Ref.qgs
- The layers are activated but not the layergroups --> So the layers are
not visible in the map (for me it's already not wanted)
- Activate all layergroups (ctrl+click on layergroups)
- Save the project as Child.qgs
- Open Child.qgs --> The state of layers is not kept, so the layers are
still not visible (for me this is a bug)

To resume the structure of Ref.qgs (all layers and layergroups are
- Layergroup A
-- Layer A1
-- Layer A2
- Layergroup B
-- Layer B1
-- Layer B2

Is it the same on your side? It was working well in 2.18.

Thanks for your feedback on this point.

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