Hi all -

I have a python plugin where I iterate through all vectorlayers and get the
source for each layer using

mySource = myVectorLayer.source()

The result could be something like this: (one line)

restrictToRequestBBOX='1' srsname='EPSG:25832'
typename='dai:theme-pg-natura2000_omraader_habitatnatur' url='
http://wfs2-miljoegis.mim.dk/dai/ows?version=1.1.0' table="" sql=

The question:  - How can i split this string into parts ? (In this
case: restrictToRequestBBOX,
srsname, typename, url, sql)

The obvious method is to use ex.:   myList = mySource.split(' ')

But that depends on that no part id or value contains a "blank"

Is there a more secure method to do the spiltting?

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Bo Victor Thomsen
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