On Mon, 27 May 2019 at 17:54, Régis Haubourg <regis.haubo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> - How should we handle milestones now? We've been using them up till
>> now to tag PRs with their target version, and closing off milestones
>> as each release is made. Now we've got a whole lot of outdated
>> milestones (e.g. 2.14) because we have issues which were tagged to
>> these milestones from the old "affected version" property. I don't
>> think this is correct use of the milestone functionality, and would
>> like to see it used only for release management (i.e. if a bug has a
>> milestone, it's being targeted for fixing in that version*, so bug
>> reports should always have ONLY future version milestones, not past
>> versions). This would mean we'd need to change the affected version
>> handling to labels. Is everyone OK with this?
>  milestone is a target, affected version is a descriptive information for a 
> bug. I don't see any milestone define in the repo. Did you already clean this 
> up? I'm not sure I get your point in fact, the affected version is only a 
> text comment in the issue body from what I see. Did I miss something?

Check https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/milestones

and e..g. tickets tagged with milestone 2.14:

I've closed off all the old milestones with no tickets, but I'm unsure
how to deal with the ones with open tickets. We really should only
have 3.8.0 / 3.4.9 / 3.10 and the "future" milestones open.

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