Hi Sophie

Interesting and useful work, congratulation!
About computer vision integration libraries, IMHO a good solution is that
used by https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/enmapboxplugin/ pluign that
integrate scikit in a flexible way. IMHO can be the architecture to
integrate opencv algs and more.

Not clear to me what would be the best strategy to attract developer to
integrate MCG in qgis... IMHO can be integrated as in EnMap plugin via
processing provider => QEP wouldn't the best option because I do not feel
the alg could be a core algorithm more than a useful tool added via a
processing provider plugin.

IMHO your work is really useful for a lot of companies I hope your email
can move their interest to contribute to QGIS.

Luigi Pirelli

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On Tue, 18 Jun 2019 at 16:25, Sophie Crommelinck <
sophie.crommeli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> For my PhD research, I have developed the BoundaryDelineation QGIS plugin
> that aims to facilitate manual digitization from remote sensing imagery. As
> an input, it requires object outlines obtained through image segmentation.
> I have tested different image segmentations in QGIS, but found that
> external approaches from computer vision provide better object outlines.
> For the purpose of cadastral mapping that requires to digitize along roads,
> buildings, rivers, fences, etc., I obtained accurate contours around
> visible objects from drone, aerial and satellite imagery with Multiscale
> Combinatorial Grouping (MCG) from Berkeley University. The code is open
> source (
> https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Research/Projects/CS/vision/grouping/mcg/#).
> However, it is partly pre-compiled for Matlab and does not work under
> Windows. In order to keep the geo-reference of input images, I have added
> two small scripts (
> https://github.com/SCrommelinck/Delineation-Tool/tree/master/v3.0/1_image_segmentation).
> Here is a video that shows MCG results on rural aerial imagery as well as
> the use of the plugin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrDv8fW53Fs. MCG
> results on peri-urban drone imagery can be seen here:
> https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.12586
> If this image segmentation would be included in QGIS, a user would not
> rely on processing input data externally before being able to use the
> BoundaryDelineation plugin. Furthermore, QGIS would incorporate and
> facilitate the use of a state of the art computer vision image
> segmentation. Segmenting an image into larger objects is an often applied
> first step in many mapping and classification procedures.
> My question is how to check whether someone would be interested to
> implement MCG in QGIS. My own programming skills are not elaborated enough.
> Should I open a feature request here: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues,
> or is posting my suggestion to this mailing list the way to go?
> Best,
> Sophie
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