
Just a quick note to mention, to avoid any potential duplication of work if 
someone else is about to do that, that in the coming weeks I'll work on adding 
support for "OGC API - Features" (previously known as WFS3) on the client 
side, now that it is about to be finalized to its 1.0 version.

My initial thought would tend towards to try to add it into the existing WFS 
provider. From a UI perspective, I've got some feedback that it would probably 
be best to access it through the existing WFS entry to avoid cluttering the UI 
with a new provider.
On the code level, the choice between having a dedicated provider or adding 
functionnality in the existing WFS one is not so obvious. Technologically, 
there is little in common between traditional WFS ( XML & GML based, KVP based 
requests ), and OAPI-F (my own acronym for OGC API - Features) (JSON & GeoJSON 
based, with a linking approach). But the WFS provider has something which is 
quite useful for the OAPI-F context, which is the local Spatialite-based cache 
& the background download capability. Extracting that from the WFS provider 
and be generic enough for multiple providers could be quite involved.

Opinions about above directions welcome.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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