On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 10:58 AM Richard Duivenvoorde <rdmaili...@duif.net>

> On 03/12/2019 09.50, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> >> Is this by design? Or is it a bug because there is 'tmp' in the path?
> >> I tested also to put it in ~/tmp but then it is OK...
> > By design -- it was added because many of the processing providers
> > which rely on 3rd party utilities (e.g. grass, saga) put temporary
> > outputs there, and users weren't getting any warnings that these are
> > just temporary. Basically the warning which previously showed only for
> > memory layers has been extended to include anything inside the
> > operating system's temporary folder (i.e. /tmp, but not ~/tmp on
> > Linux).
> Ah, thanks Nyall. I understand the reasoning, and agree...
> Though it does not feel as perfect yet:
> The memory tooltip of this layer says:
>  "Temporary Layer Only. Contents will be discarded after closing QGIS"
> But compared to a real memory layer, it is still there if you reopen the
> project (or quit/open QGIS).
> So it seems we mix two concepts?
> Thinking out loud here, I know this will all cost time/energy, so I
> understand if this is ignored...
> What about leaving out the 'memory' icon, and only warn users IF they
> have layers in temporary places? And instead of:
> "This project includes one or more temporary layers. These layers are
> not permanently saved and their contents will be lost. Are you sure you
> want to proceed?"
> Something like:
> "This project includes one or more layers which are saved in temporary
> directories". If you want to keep that data, please save or copy the
> data to non-temporary dirs" ?
> Or as bonus: maybe thing of some icon for these processing output
> layers: maybe the little 'gear'-icon we use for processing?
> In the case of a processing output I will then see the little gear icons
> (AND get the warning).
> In my usecase I will only get the warning (and I will ignore it :-) )
> As said: I understand there are probably more important things to do,
> just wanted to think about it a little...
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
Hi Richard,

I agree with you that in-memory layer and file-based layers stored in
temporary folders are two different things and we should try to not mix the

>From a UX perspective they both deserve a warning/icon that reminds the
user that they will be eventually lost if not action is taken, we just need
to make sure that the user understands the difference.

I'd open a question dialog in both cases when the layers are unloaded but I
would choose a (slightly?) different icon to mark the memory and tmp layers
and certainly a different tooltip message.


Alessandro Pasotti
w3:   www.itopen.it
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