Thank you for the follow-up, Raphael.

I'm now up to date and all works for me.


My original message was just before the mad scramble to re-release 3.10.x
with 3.0.3 and 6.3.0 (and in fact may together with the associated bug
reports have prompted it). 


My appreciation to the developers for the quick followup (doubtless
displacing whatever Nyall et al meant to be doing last week..), and for
doing their best to maintain a complex and very capable geospatial software
ecosystem. Not easy, in the open-source or commercial software environments.


I think there are lessons to be learnt about what should trigger (and, on
the flip side, be allowed in) _._._-x, _._.x, and _.x releases. In
particular, given the criticality I suspect it would have been better to
withdraw 3.10.2 and issue the fix as 3.10.3. And (earlier) to not try to
backport the Proj4->Proj6 shift into QGIS 3.4.x at all. (And maybe to not
change custom projection functionality as much between 3.10.1 and 3.10.2,
waiting until 3.12.) But I realize we were scrambling to fix the darn thing
rather than splitting hairs on versioning, and I think we can wait for the
devs' PTSD symptoms to abate somewhat before conclusive postmortems!


Thanks again,





From: Raphael Das Gupta <> 
Sent: January 28, 2020 07:16
Subject: Not all QGIS 3.10.2 downloads did contain the upgraded GDAL and
PROJ versions (Re: [QGIS-Developer] What GDAL and PROJ versions with


Hi again

On 20.01.20 11:45, <>  wrote:

I installed 3.10.2 (OSGeo4W installer) over the weekend, and I'm running
into a bunch of issues (zoom crashes -; corrupted output from
georeferencer, custom CRS that has lost its USER:xxxxx label). Before I try
to pick them off one by one, is it possible the right dependencies didn't
make it into the install?


My About. screen says I have GDAL 3.0.2 and PROJ "6.2.1 dated Nov 1", which
makes me suspicious.

Apparently, the first Windows builds of release 3.10.2 still included older
versions of GDAL/OGR and PROJ. See this thread
9948>  on this list.
seems to indicate that 3.10.2 was re-released some time before 2020-01-23
16:16 PST (2020-01-24 00:16 UTC). So if you downloaded QGIS 3.10.2 before
that, you should re-download it to not suffer from the bugs of the old
library versions.

I don't know why the 3.10.2 was re-released instead of releasing 3.10.3 with
the upgraded library versions as suggested in that mailing list thread (here
and here
). Releasing it as 3.10.3 would have made it more clear to users, which
version they actually downloaded and would have been more in line with
semantic versioning concepts. (I dunno whether QGIS aims to follow semantic
versioning conventions.)

Kind regards,

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