
I hope I write to the correct address with my request.

In the "Kantonsverwaltung Zug" we use QGIS since version 2.16 in the department 
of geoinformation. We always used the following command to start QGIS:

"C:\Program Files\QGIS_3_8_ZANZIBAR\bin\nircmd.exe" exec hide C:\Program 
(Yes, we install it in a custom named folder)

It always worked out fine and QGIS started without any issues. However, in 
version 3.10.2 this does not work out, because the file qgis.bat does not 
exist. I found the file "C:\Program Files\QGIS_3_10_2_Coruna\bin\qgis-bin.exe" 
and tried to start it.
Unfortunately I get an error message (see attachment). If I start the file 
"C:\Program Files\QGIS_3_10_2_Coruna\bin\qgis-bin-g7.exe" I get the same 
behaviour. I think it's a little bit odd that the mentioned file "C:\Program 
Files\QGIS_3_10_2_Coruna\bin\qgis-bin.env" doesn't even exist in the file 

Can you help me out with this issue? Or is there a way you would recommend to 
correctly start QGIS?

We use Windows 10 Build 1809 with the newest windows updates.

Best Regards
Martin Steiger

Finanzdirektion Kanton Zug
Amt für Informatik und Organisation (AIO) des Kantons Zug
Martin Steiger
Computer scientist in apprenticeship
Aabachstrasse 1
6300 Zug
T +41 41 728 51 29

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